
Monday, June 11, 2007

Atlantic Yards Opposition Blew It, Says Brooklyn Eagle

Emotions got in the way of common sense three years ago when the Atlantic Yards project first surfaced, says Brooklyn Eagle's Dennis Holt, and the "discussion" that should have happened never took place until far too late in the process.

Holt says that if the community had approached the issue and Ratner with “What else are you thinking about?” and not entered into a name-calling contest, things could have turned out differently. "No one now will want to accept responsibility for that great and fatal mistake," Holt says.

More here.


  1. Holt is entitled to his own observations, but a lot of his spin is ludicrous.

    A "study guide" for Holt's column is posted on NoLandGrab at

  2. Is he saying that if community residents had talked nice to Ratner he wouldn't grab other people's land for his project? Or does he mean that the opposition was so disorganized at the beginning they didn't act as a united front? I don't quite get it...
