
Sunday, June 17, 2007

'F Train Express' Petition Drive On Track, But MTA Says Changes Could Take a L-O-N-G Time

Our friends at the Kensington (Brooklyn) blog sent us the news that there are more than 1300 signatures on a petition that asks for the "restoration of express service on the F line to Brooklyn and extension of the V line for local service to Brooklyn." The petition was started by the Brooklyn Streets blog.

A McBrooklyn reader says that an "F Train Express" meeting will be held on June 25, and supporters want to pump up the number of signatures on the petition to help persuade the MTA.

While the MTA may be open to the idea, Brooklyn commuters shouldn't hold their breath. According to an article in the Brooklyn Eagle, the MTA says that any such changes would have to be postponed until work on the F line’s elevated viaduct over the Gowanus Canal (the “Culver Viaduct”) is completed -- in 2012.

The petition is here:

UPDATE: A source says that the general public is NOT invited to the June 25th meeting. "Its an internal MTA thing," they said.

Photo courtesy of MShades, Creative Commons license.


  1. Damn, have it run express to Bergen then. ANYTHING to help out the awful F service.

  2. There used to be express F service to Brooklyn? How did I miss that?

  3. Where is the meeting on the 25th? Do you know what time it is?

  4. UPDATE: A source says that the general public is NOT invited to the June 25th meeting. "Its an internal MTA thing," they said.

  5. Typical. Disrespect.
