
Friday, July 20, 2007

Brooklyn Friday a.m. in Brief

Why did the Metrocard machine not work at the Bedford Avenue stop of the L train? Maybe because someone had stuffed a dead rat in the change chute... Newyorkshitty

A Brooklyn oil delivery company was charged with "systematically shortchanging" customers for 17 years, according to the NY Times.

Borough President Markowitz, who has been "toying with a run for the mayoralty in 2009," is not exactly rolling in fund-raising dollars, according to the Brooklyn Paper.

Chowhounds advise Dave where to find an "epic breakfast" in Brooklyn.

Real Estate Roundup at the Brooklyn Eagle


  1. Has anyone tried the wonderful pizza pies at Oven yet?

  2. I haven't tried it yet, but I heard that the toppings are over the top (Kobe steak?).

  3. They weren't too busy at lunch, but maybe that's because of the prices... more like dinner.
