
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Brooklyn Wednesday in Brief

- DeStefano's Steakhouse in Williamsburg might be the one to vanquish Peter Luger, says Bloomberg. And the servers are women ... friendly women. Bloomberg

- Mystery Bride of Fourth Street: She was dumped because “she was bi-polar and wouldn’t take her medicine." The Brooklyn Paper

- You can ride one of those very old subway trains on display at the Transit Museum (the ones with the straw seats?) on a special Nostalgia Ride. The next excursion will take place on Sunday, August 12. The Brooklyn Eagle

- Yesterday was one big day for preservation and development in Williamsburg and Brooklyn. The Landmarks Preservation Commission decided the future of both the Eberhard Faber complex in Greenpoint and McCarren Pool. And in Williamsburg, architect Raphael Vinoly gave a presentation about the future of the historic Domino Sugar Plant. Whew! The Gowanus Lounge

- The permits on 360 Smith Street are NOT imminent, says the group CORD after a meeting with Councilman Bill de Blasio. Carrollgardenspetition

- It's down to the semifinals in Brooklyn Botanic Garden's greenest block in Brooklyn contest. ABC-7Online

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