
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday p.m. Brooklyn in Brief

State Attorney Andrew Cuomo filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Federal District Court in Brooklyn against the ExxonMobil Corporation, demanding that they clean up a 17-million-gallon oil spill in Greenpoint. City Room at the New York Times

More than 500 brokers and guests came to party and experience Brooklyn’s newest icon, The Ikon in Greenpoint. Guests stepped out of their cars to flashes of paparazzi cameras before being escorted along a roped-off red carpet to the custom-built rooftop party palace. Brooklyn Eagle

Filming for "The Wackness", starring Ben Kingsley will take place in Brooklyn Heights along the Promenade and on Columbia Heights Wednesday. Brooklyn Heights Blog

The city announced that Public Place -- one of the more polluted parcels of land in Brooklyn, between Fifth Street, Smith Street and the Gowanus Canal -- will be the home of a mixed-use development and has asked developers for proposals. Curbed

Has City Hall changed its mind about evicting American Stevedoring from Red Hook's waterfront? NYDailyNews

The once trash-strewn parking lot at Pearl and Water streets in DUMBO has been transformed into a sitting area with a dozen planters, tables and chairs. So what the problem? The Brooklyn Paper

De Blasio is on Scarrano like fleas on a rat. Brownstoner

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