
Thursday, October 25, 2007

More Sidewalk Chalking Madness: Now Brooklyn's Famous Ellis G. Arrested

Now they're picking on the grownups!

Brooklyn's famous sidewalk chalk artist Ellis G. (the "G" stand for Gallagher) was arrested last week when police saw him at work during the filming of a profile set to air in early November as part of Channel 13's "New York Voices" series, says New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer.

He was "carted around to three different precincts" and charged with making graffiti, possessing graffiti instruments, and making mischief before charges were dropped in Red Hook court the next day.

The NYCLU's Chris Dunn says he's in the process of working with the NYPD to confirm whether chalking falls under the definition of graffiti in the first place. This might even help convicted felons like Natalie Shea, the Park Slope girl whose neighbor called the cops on her when she drew on the sidewalk in front of her building last week.

Brooklyn Graffiti Artist Ellis G. Strikes Again

Photo copyright MK Metz


  1. i can't help but wonder what the officer was thinking at the time. is there really nothing more important that they could be tending to? doesn't it become apparent that they are not dealing with a criminal when the camera crew defends the artist? agreed, a little 'common sense' would seem to be in order, yet it does not seem to be as 'common' as we would like.

  2. It's so strange... this kind of scary guy on Henry Street was actually SPITTING at everybody whenever they came near him. Then he laid down on the sidewalk. He was back the next day, doing the same thing. So why was Ellis G. in jail and he was not?
