
Monday, March 31, 2008

Brooklyn Museum Ratner Protest: Dress Formal

Lose your invitation? Print this one out.

It's good for one admission to a protest at the Brooklyn Museum this Thursday from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., where they'll be honoring Bruce Ratner at
the Museum's $1,000-a-plate Annual Brooklyn Ball.

The Brooklyn Museum says that Bruce Ratner will be commended for his "generous support of various activities of the Brooklyn Museum."


Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn says: "We don't question the Museum's right to raise funds to support itself. We don't even question the Museum's accepting donations from Bruce Ratner. What we do take issue with is honoring and celebrating Bruce Ratner in light of what he has done and proposes to do to Brooklyn's communities."

Thursday, April 3. Starting at 6:30pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum Plaza, Eastern Parkway. 2/3 Subway.
Bring: Your signs and friends.
Dress: Formal (if you wish.)

In the Odd Juxtaposition Dept., the evening will feature a "special one-night-only Louis Vuitton performance in support of the protection of intellectual property."


  1. 3-1 odds mr r is a no show.

  2. I'll take it. Got to walk the property line sometime.

  3. I have some photos from the evening up at - it was a great evening, with some solid community spirit on a fairly chilly night. The occasional attendee even stopped to see what it was all about, and at least one seemed somewhat unsettled after hearing about the eminent domain abuse championed by Ratner & Co...
