
Friday, May 23, 2008

Amazing Telectroscope Connects Brooklyn to London!

The amazing Telectroscope is up and working at Fulton Ferry Landing!

Yesterday the secret tunnel between London and Brooklyn was completed. This morning the extraordinary optical Telectroscope was installed at both ends -- and for the first time ever, people saw right through the Earth from London to New York and vice versa.

When you look through the Telectroscope, you are, in effect, gazing through a periscope-type device of amazing length. (The photo to the left shows the interior of the Telectroscope and a bit of London, but due to the reflection problem doesn't do justice to the actual image.)

Brooklyn and London viewers happily communicated by waving, gesturing and writing messages on white boards (provided by the artist/inventor Paul St. George).

The Telectroscope will remain installed through June 15, and participation is free.

UPDATE: Tom Wright, blogging from England, is covering the other end of the Telectroscope!
See here.

UPDATE 2: See the video here!

- Unpacking the Amazing Telectroscope at Fulton Ferry Landing

Photos by MK Metz