
Monday, May 19, 2008

How to Park Illegally Without Getting Towed in Brooklyn Heights

Normally, if you park at the wrong place and time on Hicks Street in Brooklyn Heights, you get your sorry self towed.

Not this Range Rover driver. He eased up onto the sidewalk in front of the Mansion House, strategically wedging between two trees. The two tow trucks (and one police car) that showed up couldn't maneuver into position, so all they could do was write a ticket.

Then they drove off, in search of easier game.

Photo by MK Metz


  1. Isn't this what the boot is for? Do they use those in NY?

  2. According to, "The NYC Police Department tows cars that violate NYC parking and traffic laws. The Sheriff's Office and the NYC Marshal supervise the towing of vehicles that have received tickets that have not been paid.

    DCA (Dept. of Consumer Affairs) also licenses private companies that boot cars parked in private lots or on private streets when the cars violate posted parking rules."
