
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Brooklyn's 'Long Island' Restaurant Still Closed, Still Missed

It was more like a living room than a restaurant. The soup was home made, the sandwiches were delicious. You didn't like something, there'd be quite the discussion about it.

It's been a whole year, and Emma, Maria and Pepita Sullivan haven't yet returned from what was supposed to be a brief visit to Spain. (The Brooklyn Paper ran a story about the tragedy that struck during their visit there.)

They've been running the Long Island Restaurant, on Atlantic at Henry Street in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, for 56 years without a break.

“It is heartbreaking,” said a family friend.

The Brooklyn Eagle reminds us of the times we saw signs in the restaurant's window advertising Girl Scout cookies. Emma Sullivan said, "I just sold over $5,000 worth of Girl Scout cookies. I had to put the beer away just so I could fit the cookies.”

The NY Times ran a must-read article about the ancient family quarrel.

If this restaurant doesn't reopen soon, we don't know what we're going to do.

Photo by MK Metz

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  1. Ran into Emma and great grandson not long ago. Unfortunately, they won't reopen. Beautiful place. Wonderful family. God Bless 'em.

  2. As anyone who was a regular when the "must read" NYT article appeared knows, the NYT reporter was highly unethical and befriended them without telling them his profession or that their conversations were all on the record. Classy.

    The result: kudos from bosses and blogs and another rung up the ladder, but more pain for the family.
