
Friday, October 10, 2008

'30 Rock' Takes Over Brooklyn Heights

NBC's "30 Rock" -- starring Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan -- took over the north Heights today, filming for its fall season. The photo above was taken in Cadman Plaza Park, where a scene depicting a party of some kind was set up. (Music, tables with pink tablecloths, balloons . . .) We know for sure that's Alec Baldwin, but we're not sure if that's Tina Fey. Can anyone comment? (The guy with the umbrella followed her everywhere!)

The background dancers were really very good.

Filming took place in various locations. They worked in Noodle Pudding restaurant on Henry Street all day, as well as on the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge. Then, at night, the crew moved outside to the sidewalk near the corner of Henry and Orange Streets, where they set up a falafel stand (shown above) and a hot dog stand. The man seen to the left of the falafel stand later acted in the falafel scene.

We just love looking at what they feed the actors and crew. So fresh, delicious and appealing! This is breakfast, with lots of fresh berries. Oddly, lots of fresh vegetables, too. Do actors eat vegetables for breakfast?

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  1. the lady in red is not other than Salma Hayek, looking forward to seeing her on the show.

  2. I agree--it is Salma Hayek and hear appearance on 30 Rock is confirmed on her page:

  3. They were shooting in Central Park South this Monday. Maybe there will be more today.. :)
