
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let's Play 'Guess That Brooklyn Restaurant with More Than 40 Violation Points!'

Tired of looking up the Dow Jones Industrial Average? Let's play 'Guess That Brooklyn Restaurant with More Than 40 Violation Points!'

- DUMBO locals and tourists line up out front for hours. Who am I? Answer here.

- Washers, dryers and a deli counter, all in one room on Smith Street. Who am I? Answer here.

- I'm a great place to pick up some mango lassi at the west end of Atlantic Ave. Who am I? Answer here.

-I'm where you go to get classy Israeli cuisine on 5th Avenue. Who am I? Answer here.

- I'm a sweet neighborhood flick house. Buy popcorn! Who am I? Answer here.

- I'm a great Red Hook dive bar with a lot of stuffed animals. Who am I? Answer here.

- I'm a "storied Carroll Gardens pub" and may be one of the oldest bars in Brooklyn. Who am I? Answer here.

- I'm a Windsor Terrace Moroccan with a great garden. Who am I? Answer here.

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. Hilarious. And frightening. Thanks.

    I've wondered about that laundry place on Smith for years. It's always empty save for a coupld neighborhood kids hanging out. Then they decide to sell cold cuts.

    All the same, I hope they stick around. Gives the hood some character; )

  2. Had the most AWFUL falafel at Fez in WT once so never went back--it was so rotten it was fermented, not in a good way like natto....

    Not surprised they have vermin

  3. It seems like there should be separate categories for vermin/mice in food areas and non-food areas.

  4. also doesn't seem that "points" should be assessed for things like "lacks the sign demonstrating the Heimlich maneuver"
