
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mysterious UPS Truck Caravan Jams Brooklyn Bridge

So why were these 11 UPS trucks all allowed to jam the Brooklyn Bridge Sunday morning? (There were a few more UPS trucks trying to catch up that we didn't get in this shot.) The police apparently stopped them for a while, then let them continue on their merry way.

Not only are trucks not allowed on the Brooklyn Bridge for weight and height reasons -- but hey, if someone wanted to take out the bridge, this is exactly how they'd do it.

Photo by MK Metz

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That makes sense -- UPS was transporting people's stuff.

  3. So why didn't the police know about it. Traffic was at a standstill.

  4. Easier to do it next time.

  5. Well guess what? By the time the trucks got off the westside highway at 79 St and Riverside Drive in Manhattan, there were about 60 UPS trucks. They held up traffic for about 20 minutes, and the police gave them an escort. We were advised it had to do with the Marathon, but no further details.

  6. Poor management by the truck company it can be avoided by staggering the convoy to say one truck every 10 minutes.
