
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Petition to Save LICH

McBrooklyn received this letter from Councilman Bill de Blasio's office yesterday:

Yesterday, Continuum Health Partners, the parent company of Long Island College Hospital (LICH), announced that it would terminate one hundred employees and eliminate another fifty open positions. In recent months, LICH has submitted plans to close its maternity ward, pediatrics department, rape crisis center, and dentistry program in an effort to reduce costs.

Without a sound financial plan for LICH's future and meaningful community involvement in this process, Brooklyn residents have no way of knowing if this is only a cutback in service or the prelude to closing the hospital. As the population of Downtown Brooklyn is projected to increase by over 24,000 residents over the next four years, Long Island College Hospital will play an increasingly important role in ensuring that Brooklyn residents have access to high quality health care.

Congresswomen Nydia Velazquez and Yvette Clarke, Congressman Ed Towns, Assembly Members Joan Millman, Hakeem Jeffries and Felix Ortiz, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Council Members Bill de Blasio, Letitia James and David Yassky, the Cobble Hill Association, the Brooklyn Heights Association, the Boerum Hill Association, and the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association, together with the doctors and nurses at LICH, are continuing the fight to keep Long Island College Hospital as a full-service neighborhood hospital.

If you would like to support our efforts, you can:

  1. Sign the petition online:
  1. Send a letter to Governor Paterson's office. Just cut and paste from the petition. Then, call 718-854-9791 or email to see what else you can do.
Thank you for your assistance in working to save Long Island College Hospital.

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. quite honestly, LICH is an embarrassment...just let it go.

  2. Do you even know what you're talking about? I've been a patient there many times. It would be great if surrounding neighborhoods (Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Carol Gardens) could support this hospital, rather than let it be bled dry by ownership hospitals.

  3. Anonymous Patient.
    Please no more CONDOS! Do not close LICH. The best hospital, great staff, good location. PLEASE SAVE LICH. Thanks

  4. It will be nice if a decision can be made to SAVE LICH instead of CLOSING it down. I have been a patient there, and it was a pleasure to be surrounded by the caring, knowledgable staff that made my stay a memorable one! We have enough CONDOS in the area.WHEN WE GET SICK WE NEED L.I.C.H. NOT CONODS IN BROOKLYN HEIGHTS.
