
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

'Oliver House' in Carroll Gardens Receives Height Variance

CORD reports that the Board of Standards and Appeals granted developer Stein a variance on Tuesday to build Oliver House seven stories high, as opposed to the mandates of the new Carroll Gardens text amendment which would have allowed only five stories.

In July, the Narrow Streets Zoning Text Amendment was passed by the City Council, restricting Carroll Gardens building heights on defined "narrow streets" to 55 feet. It was thought that the out-of-scale building proposed for 360 Smith Street ("Oliver House") would have to shrink to a size similar to other buildings in the neighborhood.

CORD says the vote was unanimous on both applications: on the completion of the foundation, which was only 20 per cent complete, and on the A application which claimed the developer would suffer substantial economic financial loss.

- 360 Smith Street/ Carroll Gardens Public Hearing Wednesday

- Everything we've ever posted about this topic: here

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