
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tributes to Gowanus Lounge's Robert Guskind

Tributes to Robert Guskind, founder of the Gowanus Lounge blog, continue to pour in from bloggers.

Guskind died Tuesday.

The Gowanus Lounge's tagline, as seen when searching for it on Google, was "Gowanus Lounge -- Serving Brooklyn." Guskind served us all since April 2006, covering all of Brooklyn, but especially Gowanus, Red Hook, Carroll Gardens, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Williamsburg and Dumbo.

He warned us about the condition of the Boardwalk at Coney Island, the problems with the Red Hook vendors, and the battle over 360 Smith Street. He analyzed developer tax breaks, discovered a bizarre Wikipedia war going on between a prominent developer and his detractors, and covered community board and other civic meetings. He linked us to hundreds of other interesting blog postings, seemed to never sleep, and was a vital part of the web ecosystem.

The latest version of the blog, online since May 2008, is mysteriously down. His earlier work, however, is preserved on Blogger at

UPDATE: Gowanus Lounge is back up, thanks to a friend who also helped with the technical side of the blog.


- A beautiful tribute at Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
- Miss Heather, Newyorkshitty
- Obituary at the Brooklyn Eagle
- Large list of links at Flatbush Gardener
- More thoughts and comments at Brownstoner
- Speculative account at Brooklyn Paper UPDATE: Some of the sadder speculations have been removed from this article (original reproduced in part here).

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