
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

David McCullough Video: Save the Brooklyn Bridge

On April 22 a vote will be made that could determine the future views of and from the Brooklyn Bridge. Renowned historian, lecturer and two time Pulitzer Prize winning author David McCullough speaks out in the above video against the ridiculous idea of building an 18-story building next to the bridge.

"Would we build an 18-story building beside the Washington monument?" he asks. So why are we putting one next to the Brooklyn Bridge? McCullough says we have to "remind people that some things come ahead of materialistic gain."

To save the Brooklyn Bridge--whether or not you live in New York City--call or email New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn: Email: / Phone: (212) 788-7210

If you live in New York City, please contact your local member of the Council. Find your representative here:

For more information on the efforts being made to save The Brooklyn Bridge, please visit:0

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. I don't quite get his point. "Would we build an 18 story commercial building on this famous site?" People have already built a bigger commercial building on that site. It's called the Brooklyn Bridge.

  2. I can't believe this needs to be explained- no the Brooklyn Bridge is neither commercial nor a building. It is a bridge- a publicly owned project that serves all of us. Free. More than that it is a national treasure, a symbol of unsurpassed significance. As Mr McCullagh said it is an important piece of our history and it has been represented in books, paintings, poems, photographs and movies. One scene in particular tht I rmember was from Sophies Choice where the narrator describes his first memories of New York- walking across the bridge. It was here long before we were and it will be here long after us. We are merely the custodians of this treasure and we owe it to the future to preserve it in it's present state. I for one would be ashamed if we didn't honor that commitment. And for what. So one developer can make some money? Is there anything that we value over money? That's the point.

  3. I agree with kbeers, it is insane that people dont understand the significance of such an amazing national treasure. I don't live in new york but I love that city and all the treasure it holds. I was just reading about the history of the bridge at this site If we keep building around such amazing historical sites for monetary gain, all we're gonna have left are pictures.
