
Monday, April 27, 2009

Video: Low Flying Planes Scare the @#! Out of Lower Manhattan

Sure, just buzz lower Manhattan with a 747 and then send some fighter jets out to chase it. It was apparently a photo op, but the FAA forgot to tell New Yorkers about it and a bit of panic ensued. Oops!

Read the whole story at Gawker. The above video is from the Wall Street Journal.

UPDATE: "Thousands" of people in the streets of Jersey City were set into a panic, said Stan Eason of the Jersey City Police Department. Buildings were evacuated, according to msnbc.

About 1,000 workers ran out of the Mercantile Exchange and gathered along the Hudson River, according to Newsday.

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1 comment:

  1. I've been reading the comments about this on the NYTimes (over 500 now):

    I'm amazed everyone is so freaked out - COME ON PEOPLE! We are all so afraid it's just shocking to me. Yes, I live in NYC, yes I was here on Sept. 11th, yes I saw the towers fall and lived with smoke and that smell for weeks and weeks and had to show my ID to the military to go home everyday because I lived below Houston Street. So hopefully I am qualified to say, as another person posted on the Times - CHILL OUT PEOPLE! I find it strange that everyone refused to believe that it was a terrorist attack on that Sept. morning and now everyone ASSUMES that this is an attack - we are such an irrational, reactionary bunch of idiots. I'm confident that some sort of attack will happen again but I am even more confident that it will NOT be a plane attack like Sept. 11th - it will be something the "experts" haven't thought of yet, possibly worse. I now live in DUMBO right on the East River and the military often flies helicopters and planes along the river very low and every time it happens I think it's really cool and run for my binoculars.
