
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tour Buses Clog Fulton Ferry Landing, Brooklyn

Fulton Ferry Landing -- near Barge Music, the Ice Cream Factory and the Future Home of Brooklyn Bridge Park -- is rife with tour buses nowadays.

Watch your step walking to the waterfront. The buses swing left at the end of Old Fulton Street, where they park along Furman Street for a while before wending their way onward.

A hot dog vendor plopped down in a formerly deserted spot to the left of Olga's barge knows what he's doing. A steady stream of tourists line up to buy real Brooklyn hot dogs.

There must be certain days when they are not so thick, but we haven't figured it out yet.

Photos by MK Metz

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1 comment:

  1. I was really irked last weekend when one of the busdrivers got out and stood in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, so that a group of adults could cross the street! As if a tourist couldn't make it across the street on his or her own...
