
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brooklynites Go Slowly Crazy in Summer Sun

- A Park Slope Street was blocked off this afternoon because of a "crazy lady," reports Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn.

- A stairway to heaven was found in Brooklyn using Google Maps. NY Times, Buzzfeed

- Brooklyn residents take to raising chickens. NY Times

- Complaints come in about Brooklynites who jump on the roof to take care of their "personal needs." Curbed

- The number of people reporting post-traumatic stress from 9/11 is increasing. NY Times

- Brooklyn continues to be number one in bedbugs. Brick Underground

- The "battle between capitalism and socialism within Brooklyn" inspires a new blog. Atlas Shrugs in Brooklyn

- A Brooklyn gun buff charges the Bloomberg administration with tyranny for trying to seize his handmade flintlock rifle. NY Daily News

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