
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Earthquake: Brooklyn Will Shake More Than Manhattan

According to Dr. Won-Young Kim, senior research scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, when an earthquake hits the city, Brooklyn's going to shake more than Manhattan.

As reported in the Brooklyn Eagle, Manhattan is resting on rock, while Brooklyn is sitting on sediment. So a tremor you would hardly feel in Manhattan will cause rocking and rolling in Brooklyn. Dr. Kim suggests securing bookcases to the wall and lists other preventative measures.

While smaller quakes are common, the last big quake in Brooklyn (about a 5.2) took place in 1884.

In a Quake, Brooklyn Would Shake More Than Manhattan  Brooklyn Eagle

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. This is fascinating, I had no idea. It reminds me a little of the scene oin Annie Hall where the young Alvy is worried about Brooklyn expanding, etc. It has become one of the little one-liners I have bequeathed to my Canadian kids: "Brooklyn is not expanding!"

    Hard to fit into a conversation, but it never fails to mause me when I can. Thanks for visiting my blog, BTW :)

  2. Lidian, your blog The Virtual Dime Museum is fabulous. We've added it to our blog roll -- and recommend it to anyone interested in the history of New York.
