
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Snowmen of Brooklyn Heights

Brooklynites of all ages, shapes and sizes couldn't resist making snowmen during the Big One. Snowfolks were popping up on sidewalks and benches, in parks and on the Promenade. Here are just a few out of the many we encountered during a walk around Brooklyn Heights and DUMBO. (The one above is standing near Montague Terrace.)

Tourists were thrilled with this giant snowman named Steve on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. Everybody wanted to have their picture taken with him.

These are more like snowbumps than snowmen, but they have a certain something. Plus there's two of them.

 These snowthings are sort of free form, but quite popular with dogs.

This life-sized snowman sitting on a bench on the Promenade was quite impressive. Many people sat next to it having their picture taken. It reminded us of a George Segal sculpture.

These lumpy snowmen were on the dock next to Bargemusic. One is wearing a traffic cone on its head.

This is a parent and child duo. The parent seems tired.

Here's a work-in-progress on the Promenade. It has all the makings of a winner.

Photos by MK Metz
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    6'4 snowman ;D

  2. You made my day. This is the problem with my street--too few snowthings.
