
Friday, May 7, 2010

The 270 Faces of Felix Morelo

This morning at 8 a.m. Felix Morelo picked up a piece of chalk and drew 270 faces in a relatively straight line on the sidewalk along Water Street in DUMBO.

The faces wind up at St. Ann's Warehouse, where BKLYN DESIGNS kicks off this morning.

Photos by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. i like that Felix guy..his faces make me smile and now that he's adding bubles to the faces its even more interesting. The bad luck spots are wickedly funny
    Felix "the most loved man in N.Y.C." Morelo

  2. Hi Felix that you? Nice faces.

  3. it is me,Felix. It's been a while since I made these faces in Dumbo...
