
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Rabbi Visits Ricky's, Feral Eagles, and More Brooklyn Briefs

- Oy! Rabbi Aaron Raskin bought a load of cosmetics at Rickey’s on Montague Street, bucking protesters who rallied outside the shop last week.  Vicious Babushka 

- So it's 100 degrees and this guy's walking around Brooklyn Heights in a full-body Eagle costume. BHB

- The guy who replaced Stanley Bosworth at St. Ann's was nothing like Stanley. Wasn't that the idea?   NY Times

- Brooklyn BP Marty Markowitz accepted more free travel than any other elected official in New York City last year. WSJ

- Charles Rangel introduced a bill to bring back the draft for both men and women. Again. And again.  

- Thinking of visiting Alberta, Canada? Think again. Huff Post

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