
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No Apple Store in Brooklyn, Salads Swimming with Bacteria, and More Brooklyn Briefs

- A deputy mayor under Mayor Michael Bloomberg owns stock in Forest City Enterprises, the force behind the controversial Atlantic Yards project. The project is getting more than $150 million in city money, plus tax exemptions and city-owned property at no cost.   Brooklyn Eagle 

- Sad news: There will be no Apple Store in Brooklyn.   FIP via Brownstoner

- The NY Gourmet Salads company, which makes ready-to-eat deli salads for restaurants, stores and airport caterers has been shut down for harboring dangerous bacteria for years. Food Poison Journal  

- A 24-hour breakfast restaurant named B.A.D. is opening in the spot recently occupied by Passout Records in Williamsburg. Eater via Curbed

- New style Democrats hope to topple the old guard, a power structure represented by party boss Vito Lopez, in Williamsburg.  Brooklyn Based

- Charter schools are a plot by conservative Republicans. Here's proof.  Brooklyn Eagle

- Barnes & Noble is considering selling the company.  Fast Company

- An online site auctions off thousands of goods confiscated by law enforcement agencies throughout the country.  NY1

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