
Monday, September 27, 2010

Atlantic Antic 2010: Brooklyn's Mellow Street Party

TThe Atlantic Antic, probably the city's biggest street fair, drew hundreds of thousands again this year (its 36th year) for a day of music and dance, local vendors, beer and food.

For such a big crowd it's actually a very relaxed day. Some people just park themselves outside one of the local bars, drink beer and listen to the bands all day. Others like to walk the whole length of the street and soak it all in. (We do some of both.)

As we walked we could smell BBQ, roasting corn on the cob, sardines and sausages, and exotic specialties.
Baklava from Sahadi's.

Sardines from La Mancha.

Empanadas from Chilies & Chocolate Oaxacan restaurant.

Roasted corn up and down the street.

The lead guitarist from the Windsor Terrors rocked out on oldies like Brown Sugar  in front of the Chip Shop.

Brooklyn Tattoo was selling T-shirts and tats on glasses.

The Atlantic Antic is one of those only-in-Brooklyn events. It's so huge it can take you all day, or you can just hang out for a while, listening to the music, eating bites of everything and running into dozens of people you know doing the same thing.

Photos copyright MK Metz

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