
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brooklyn Nets Arena Getting Temporary Plaza Instead of Office Building; Farmers Excited

- Bruce Ratner released plans for a temporary plaza in front of the Brooklyn arena for the Nets that he said will be replaced by a planned office building someday when the economy picks up. Until then, it can be used for farmer's markets.  Brooklyn Eagle

- That 10-year timeline that Ratner and Bloomberg repeatedly cited to assure taxpayers they'd be paid back for this project? Turns out they misspoke. The arena, according to the IBO, is now costing taxpayers $40 million more than the tax revenue it will bring in.  WNYC

-What traffic really looks like at the intersection of Atlantic and Flatbush.  DDDB

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  1. I loved the traffic video. It reminded me of the mad mehem in the centre of Phnom Penh.:)
