
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Harvest Festival at Brooklyn Bridge Park a Hit

Families by the hundreds trekked to the fall Harvest Festival at Brooklyn Bridge Park's Pier 6 Saturday morning. There was a sweet little pumpkin patch on a grassy hill, which toddlers loved, along with activities like arts and crafts, face painting, and pumpkin decorating.

 Kids decorated picture frames in an activity provided by Half Pint Kids.

Pumpkin decorating.

 Ditch Plains (Drop-In) fried up mini-dogs.

The Deedle Dee’s provided entertainment.

It was one of the first of several Halloween-themed events taking place in Brooklyn this weekend.

Photos by MK Metz

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  1. Kind of funny how often you cover the same events I go to (I assume you have kids). Do you have a special McBrooklyn hat to identify yourself (I keep expecting to see our family in your photos).

  2. Ha! Love the idea of a McBrooklyn hat. Maybe a whole McBrooklyn outfit. (Yes, got kids will travel.)
