
Monday, November 22, 2010

A Visit to 'Unique Thrift Store' -- Three-Story Second-Hand Emporium on Fulton Street, Downtown Brooklyn

It looks small on the outside, but inside the Unique Thrift Store at 408 Fulton Street in Downtown Brooklyn lies a large expanse of used clothing, books, gifts, knick-knacks and jewelry. While the stuff may be second hand, the feel is more like a department store than a thrift shop. It's bright and well organized.

Some of the merchandise is kind of worn, but other stuff looks like the boxes were never opened. There are several jewelry counters with quite reasonable prices, like in the $3 - $10 range.There are about three sets of  fine china that look like an unbelievable steal, if you need fine china.

There are shelves full of Christmas decorations, 1990s-era electronics, pots and pans.

Men's and children's clothes are on one floor, women's on another. We saw dressing rooms, too.  Here and there are racks of obviously never worn uniform shirts, all one size. We found the rows of used shoes kind of scary. (The shoes in good shape are priced around $16, but others are worn out, about $3.50.) There are also used wedding dresses.

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, there are VIP member discount days if you want to sign up.

Photos by MK Metz

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