
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Brooklyn Bridge Jumper: Daring Rescue Sunday

NYPD and FDNY officers rushed to the Brooklyn Bridge at roughly 4:30 this afternoon to rescue an emotionally disturbed young man who had climbed over the railing. He was dangling over Old Fulton Street near the intersection of Henry Street. In the photo above, you can see that nothing but hard pavement was below the man, who was hanging onto a pipe with one leg dangling into space.

As the Fire Department set up ladders and a mattress below, police spoke calmly to the young man.

An officer with a rope in his hand, right, climbed onto the ledge but didn't make a move towards the guy. Judging by their manner, the officers were engaged in friendly, almost casual talk. After who seemed like ten minutes of this, another officer, left, climbed onto the ledge. A little conversation ensued.

Then suddenly, the rescuers lunged towards the man, who tried desperately to throw himself off the ledge. The officers struggled mightily, grabbing him under his arms. The officer on the right wedged his leg behind the pipe and held on for dear life. The officer on the left grimaced with effort. Other officers leaned over the railing and grabbed the man, helping to pull him up, up and finally over the bridge railing.

After the officers upended the man over the railing, the crowd that had gathered below broke into loud and spontaneous applause. The rescuers showed great bravery in saving the suicidal young man's life. The man was put in an ambulance. We hope that he recovers from his unhappiness.

Photos by MK Metz, copyright 2011

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  1. Amazing coverage of a very sad event. I am glad the rescuers got to the young man in time.

  2. Wow. Does McBrooklyn have a helicopter?

  3. We happened upon the people while they were making the 911 call and helped relay the location to the operator. The man was sitting casually, smoking, but we quickly realized how dangerous the situation was. Thanks for a great job covering this, McBrooklyn, including the photos. Thank you to the NYPD/FDNY for saving this man.
