
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NYC Fireworks Disappoint Many in Brooklyn -- But Great from New Jersey

"When are they starting Mama?"
"They've started already, honey."

Thousands of Brooklynites gathered on the waterfront in parks and on rooftops last night for NYC's celebration of Independence Day. Many were left with the feeling that the 4th of July fireworks were a disappointment -- again -- in Brooklyn this year.

In the photo above, the two white dots to the right and left of the building across the river are fireworks, unmagnified. This was shot in DUMBO at the north end of Brooklyn Bridge Park.

The larger and more colorful fireworks could be seen above the tall buildings, but the lack of sound or vibrations took away from the experience.

Here's our artsy shot. We zoomed the camera to take a magnified photo of one of the more dramatic explosions at the finale (that's the Manhattan Bridge overhead):

It didn't look this dramatic with the naked eye, however. (Here's a great shot taken with a long exposure and good zoom from a rooftop in Brooklyn.)

Better location -- East River State Park in Williamsburg. We're getting good reports of the views from the waterfront here.

Best location? Next year get yourself to Weehawken, New Jersey.

Here's a video of the New York City fireworks someone shot from their friend's yard in Weehawken:

Photos by MK Metz

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  1. With a little help from a good camera the fireworks looked really nice from the East River. I took some myself.

    If somehow they could shoot them a little higher it would be even better.

  2. Dear Marty, will you please order fireworks for Brooklyn next year?

  3. Great shot Kai. From East River Park in Williamsburg?

  4. mcbrooklyn: Close! The new India Street Pier in Greenpoint. Amazing view by the way, even without fireworks.
