
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cheapest Soda Machine In Brooklyn

What a deal! McBrooklyn ran across this soda and water vending machine in the Pearl Street Triangle Park yesterday.

The prices are half or even a third -- or even a quarter -- of the typical beverage prices: 50 cents for a bottle of water, and 65 cents for a soda.

Drink like it's 1984 again!

Photo by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. That's good because I'm getting paid like it's 1984 again.

  2. Why on earth would you give away the location? Now the thing is going to be empty while an unemployment line will form in front of it waiting for it to be refilled. Yelp people will start rating it, some saying it's so awesomely cheap and others rating it poorly because there was only caffeine free diet cherry coke left in it.

  3. I know where a free soda machine is but I'm not telling anybody.
