
Monday, October 3, 2011

Atlantic Antic 2011: Food, Music and Beer On a Great Day

At yesterday's 37th annual Atlantic Antic about a million people converged on one street in Brooklyn for the longest and most delicious street fair in the world.

First place we always go is La Mancha, for their incomparable grilled sardines. The line was pretty long and it was mostly locals, who wait all year for these babies.

Then to Sahadi's for a little homous and baba ghanoug.

Plus an ear of corn browned over a fire and slathered in butter.

Having a little bite on the run.

It's amazing how good the Windsor Terrors are. They pound out classic British invasion rock and oldies by groups like Dylan and the Stones. They were playing for the Chip Shop.

Gigi & Pop performed at Last Exit. They're our new favorite band.

Eddie "The Sheik" Kochak -- what a showman!  He had to kill about 15 minutes between sets, and between his song about a guy's troubles with his wife and his Amer-Abic orchestra, he had us dancing in the street.

The pubs set up nice little spots to sit and have a sip or maybe two of Sixpoint Atlantic Ale Amber. The one above was next to Pete's Ale House.

- Atlantic Antic 2010
- Atlantic Antic 2009
- Atlantic Antic 2008 

Photos by MK Metz

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1 comment:

  1. MK,

    This has nothing to do with this post in particular, but I just wanted to say thanks for your blog and the great job you do in compiling the news summary and reporting on various local events. I appreciate your hard work and enjoy the chance to read the info in one place.

    Your blog had been one that I read occasionally, relying upon another local blog for news and updates. But while that local blog used to timely info, it has now essentially faded into stories about lost cats and puff pieces with video footage with no real news or info. As a result, your blog is now my primary source. And I even clicked on some Google ads to bring some cash your way.
