
Friday, October 28, 2011

Fireworks Tonight Over Statue of Liberty Celebrates 125th Anniversary

Today (Friday, October 28, 2011) is the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, and the National Park Service will be holding a gala ceremony with Macy's fireworks over the Hudson at 7:45 p.m.

A number of events will be taking place: a water flotilla, actress Sigourney Weaver reading Lazarus' poem and a naturalization ceremony for 125 candidates for citizenship. The U.S. Secretary of the Interior will present gifts of friendship to the French Government and a choir from the Brooklyn High School of the Arts will perform “Huddled Masses” from the off-Broadway-bound musical "Liberty," along with other performances.

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, five webcams will be turned on in the torch tonight. See the Eagle for today's schedule of events.

The National Park Service has been tweeting "125 tweets in 125 days." Since June 26th they've tweeted about notable events since the Statue's dedication in 1886. Today is the last tweet!

Photo courtesy of National Parks Service

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1 comment:

  1. The statue is made of Bronze, but long exposure to the elements has resulted in the weathered, greenish-gray appearance it now has. The statue was finished in 1883 and on July 4, 1884 was presented as a gift to the united states. The statue was brought to Bedloe's Island in June of 1885, and assembled in 1886, and public unveiling was held on Oct 28, 1886.
