
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Ratner Lawsuit; 'Satanic' Teen Convicted; and More Brooklyn Briefs

- The Nets held a rally yesterday -- complete with dancers in leather Spider-Man outfits -- outside Borough Hall. Meanwhile, another lawsuit was filed against developer Ratner. NY Times

- "Satanic" teenager convicted of killing Carroll Gardens radio host. Brooklyn Eagle

- Walentas, NYU-Poly and city revive startup incubator project at 20 Jay Street in DUMBO. Brooklyn Heights Press    

- A woman was stabbed to death in Sheepshead Bay, a block from her home. NY Daily News

- Downtown Brooklyn church seeks development partner. TRD

- Hackers convene in Downtown Brooklyn and figure out who "killed" Snooki. Brooklyn Eagle

- Little Lego treehouse spotted in DUMBO. Gothamist

- All about that "Pirate Wi-Fi" on the L train this week. Fast Company

- Europe bans the X-Ray scans used at US airports “in order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety.” Propublica

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  1. Really? Not one story from or that you thought was worth linking? Really?

    One would think that you're a shill for the Eagle & Heights Press & "whatever the hell INB is" if they didn't know any better.

  2. BrooklynPaper and BrooklynDaily are now the same paper and have many of the same stories online. Yesterday (Tuesday) the Brooklyn Paper's stories weren't "fresh" so we passed them up. Examples:
    1. BeeBop the missing cat - we wrote about BeeBop on September 22.
    2. The "new" pasta place on Montague Street - the Brooklyn Heights Blog reviewed this in early September. It's November.
    3. The jobs that Ratner never provided - we wrote about this Sunday.
    4. Pond scum in Prospect Park - we read about last week on several other blogs.
    5. We missed the story that 7th Avenue wants to start a BID. Our bad.
    6. The "Lantern Lights Out" at Jane's Carousel story is interesting but was covered in other blogs including Archpaper in October.
    Sometimes the Brooklyn Paper has great breaking stories but Tuesday was not one of those days.
