
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Occupy Brooklyn This Weekend, If You Don't Get Run Over

Occupy Brooklyn is challenging Brooklynites to "join them during this weekend of action to help evict corporate greed from the borough."

According to Occupy Brooklyn, Occupy Wall Street is holding "Brooklyn Occupy Your Block Weekend of Action." People will be gathering near Brooklyn Borough Hall on Saturday Nov. 12 and Sunday Nov. 13, 10am - 9pm. (Note the address given is not Brooklyn Borough Hall, it's Korean War Veteran's Plaza, top circle.)

See full schedule of events here.

At 2:30 p.m. on Saturday everybody is going to March to Evict Corporate Greed. Here is a map of the march route. Sorry to be a wet blanket but it may as well be called "March To the Most Dangerous Traffic Intersections in Brooklyn."

Everyone is leaving from Korean War veteran's Plaza (Point A), walking to Atlantic Yards and then ending up back at Metrotech in Downtown Brooklyn (Point B).

How to Do It Without Getting Killed: Walk up Tillary Street to Jay Street. Watch out crossing Adams -- Tillary at Adams Street is the scene of numerous deadly and near-deadly accidents. If your survive, the map calls for a stroll through MetroTech. You will not be killed walking through MetroTech.You can get some coffee at Starbucks there.

If you make it to Flatbush Avenue Extension we can only advise you to stay on the sidewalks, folks! Obey all traffic rules. (You won't pass much Corporate Greed on Flatbush but you will pass Junior's!)

And if you make it to Atlantic Terminal, congratulations. You have actually arrived at Brooklyn's most flagrant site of true Corporate Greed. As you circle around it from Fort Greene Place to Atlantic Avenue, watch out for speeding trucks. There's not enough time to cross the street at that light.

The Way Back

On the way back along Flatbush, be very careful when you get near 4th Avenue. This is one of the most dangerous intersections in Brooklyn. (Officially it's the third most dangerous.) We have actually observed cars literally flying upside-down through the air at this crossing. DOT has increased crossing time there, however, so instead of having to run screaming through the intersection, you just have to run.

If you are careful crossing streets as you make your way back along Flatbush you will make it to Fulton Street. Aside from crowding this busy shopping street on a Saturday afternoon and annoying the hell out of people, you should be OK.

For some reason you'll be turning onto Duffield Street (Corporate Greed at the Sheraton?). Then you'll be hanging a left onto Willoughby. (Those are closed storefronts you'll be passing. There's art in the windows to liven then up a bit, but it's really kind of sad.) Then you'll pass along various Downtown streets until you get back to MetroTech.

Looks like you'll be taking over Metrotech! With arts, performances and food!
Do you know that NYU-Poly students will be celebrating their Homecoming there on Saturday? (MetroTech is NYU-Poly's campus.) They'll probably really like all the commotion . . .

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. Wherebouts is the "corporate greed" in brooklyn???

    really??? Isn't this just an excuse not to travel to Zucotti park with the rest of the unwashed masses


  2. Great. I'll leave town for the weekend. Or maybe Occupy my job on Saturday.

  3. Suspect they won't have too much fun on this walk.

  4. All you people need to get a LIFE
