
Friday, February 10, 2012

In Another Disgraceful PEP Meeting, Mayor Closes 23 More Schools, Approves P.S. 8 Expansion

The city's Panel for Educational Policy, with a majority of members Mayoral appointees, rubber-stamped the closing of city 23 schools (or sections of schools) in another disgraceful meeting last night.

Gotham Schools live-blogged the event which included protests by three different groups, a heavy police presence and general chaos. (Read from the bottom up to keep to the correct chronological order.)

In general, the four borough presidents’ appointees voted against each school closure, while Mayor Bloomberg’s appointees supported them.

The only proposal to win unanimous approval was the expansion of Brooklyn Heights' P.S. 8 (into Westinghouse High School in Downtown Brooklyn).

“Tonight’s vote to approve the new P.S. 8 middle school is great news for Brooklyn!” Squadron said in a statement.

According to NY Public School Parents, a new Quinnipiac poll shows that only 26% of New Yorkers approve of the way Bloomberg is handling our schools; 61% disapprove. 

Video courtesy CBS

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  1. Good news now white DUMBO residents don't have to go to the school in their neighborhood!

  2. There isn't actually a school in their neighborhood.

  3. So you seem to be implying that educational policy should be set by public opinion poll?

    I personally support Bloomberg because he does the smart, intelligent, long-term visionary thing, not the thing that people want him to do, which is often short-sighted and petty.

  4. So destroying the public school system and handing the (public) resources to private companies for free is a long term vision thing? It's a transfer of assets -- paid for with our taxes -- to private companies run by the Mayor's friends.
