
Friday, April 13, 2012

Brooklyn Heights' Powertrusion Disappears, As Mysteriously As the Day It Came

Right there -- where the red cone is stuffed upside-down inside a hole in the sidewalk -- there used to be a Verizon Powertrusion. That's right, a Class 5, 25-foot model, installed right outside Plymouth Church's playground on Cranberry Street.
It showed up one day in 2010 out of the blue, straighter than one of them Saturn V rocket boosters.

The folks at Powertrusion 2000 International Inc. said it was made "from the same synthetic materials that make the military's Apache attack helicopters virtually bulletproof."

They said the dang thing would be there longer than the trees, the cars, and almost everybody alive today.

But now it's up and disappeared.

Brooklyn Heights' bulletproof, Class 5, 25-foot Verizon Powertrusion is just plumb gone, as mysterious as the day it arrived.

- We Got Us a Verizon Powertrusion Right Here in Brooklyn Heights

Photos by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. another one just appeared out of nowhere on the corner of union ave and grand street in williamsburg. same plaque and specs except this one's a class 3. WHAT IS IT?!

  2. Damn! A class 3 is even bigger than a class 5!
    Circumference is measured using a scale which ranges from Class 1 to Class 10. A Class 1 is 27 inches in circumference, with Powertrusions of higher class having less circumference.
    You got yourself a hell of a pole there.

  3. They just put one of these ugly things on my block in Bushwick (near Knickerbocker and Hart Street). Anyone know what it is?
