
Friday, July 6, 2012

It's Open! Brooklyn Bridge Park Pop-Up Pool

It may be wee, but it's wet and it comes with a beach, umbrellas, showers and a food vendor.

Brooklyn Bridge Park's 'Pop-Up' pool opened this morning to the applause of dozens of kids and their minders who got to jump in at the opening salvo.

Know before you go: you have to be the patient sort if you want to swim here. The pool's total capacity is 60. That's 6 - 0. Wristbands are given out one hour before swim time (you get an hour and a quarter in the water, then you have to get out and try for another slot).

More here.

- Pop-Up Pool at Brooklyn Bridge Park Opening Friday
- Nice Place for a Pool

Photo by MK Metz

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. for a pool likely to be heavily populated by kids, your use of the word wee pool may be more apt than you realize

  2. You'll never go in a pool again:

  3. Wow! All whit kids! Bloomberg wins!

  4. The morning swimmers were the children of people who joined the BBP Conservancy. The afternoon swimmers were more representative of the borough.
