
Monday, December 10, 2012

Filming 'Winter's Tale' in DUMBO

Photos by MK Metz
The area around the Manhattan Bridge Arch in DUMBO was transformed into a 19th century set Friday night for "Winter's Tale," which has been filming around DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights these past few days and during last month as well.

Winter’s Tale is a fantasy set in the 19th Century and the present day and revolves around "a thief, a dying girl, and a flying white horse.”

The film stars Matt Bomer, Will Smith, Russell Crowe, Colin Farrell, and Jennifer Connelly.

Film crews spread fake snow around DUMBO for the shoot. According to the Brooklyn Heights Blog and  WYDNKBYANM, fake snow was also spread around Brooklyn Heights and on Prospect Park West when they filmed Winter's Tale there.

It is amazing that they were filming on Prospect Park West Friday morning and in DUMBO Friday night.

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. Not so "amazing" if you live there.

  2. Especially if you don't cotton to being vomited on or "being kissed against your will by a drunk man dressed as a Christmas tree."
