
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Citi Bike: Thousands of Helmet-less Amateur Bikers Will Soon Hit the Streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan

Citi Bike dock going in on Pearl Street, DUMBO. Photo: MK Metz
Citi Bike crews have been busy the past couple of days installing solar-powered bike share docks all over Brooklyn Heights, Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO and Bed-Stuy. After that comes Manhattan.

The new program features thousands of bikes at hundreds of stations and a lot of people seem very excited about it (though some are not totally happy with the placement of the stations).The bikes are not really meant for leisurely rides; rather, they are supposed to get you from your bus or subway to your home, or the "last mile."

DOT says the locations were chosen through well-documented process of consultation with neighborhood residents.

Soon, helmet-less residents and tourists alike will be hitting the streets of New York, pedaling from dock to dock in 30- or 45-minute increments.

It will probably be great. It works in other cities. It's good for the environment.

But for God's sake don't get off the bike. Citi Bike says you could be charged up to $1000 if you lose it.

- NYC: Bike Share outreach  (pdf)

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.

1 comment:

  1. NYC law does not require helmets for adults over the age of 13. Why make such a big deal over it?

    More people on bikes wth helmets ride the wrong way and go through red lights and stop signs.

    Really dumb writing.
