
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Underwhelming Citi Bike Turnout in Brooklyn Heights/ DUMBO

Spotted: Citi Bike user in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Photo: MK Metz
On our annual Memorial Day walk yesterday afternoon we ran across hundreds of bicyclists but only counted four people riding the new Citi Bikes.

We started out in Brooklyn Heights and walked north to DUMBO (via Washington Street) then headed south through Brooklyn Bridge Park to Atlantic and then Cobble Hill. From there we walked north along Court Street (with stops for yogurt and shopping) to Clark Street back in Brooklyn Heights. Then just for fun, we walked north and south on Henry Street.

This route brought us past quite a few Citi Bike racks, mostly full of bikes. Our impression was that usage was a bit low on the program's first day. (Except for Clark Street, which was only a third full.) Anyone else have other impressions?

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.


  1. I too saw a grand total of 4 in use during my hour and a half walk through the heights and dumbo on Monday.

  2. I think the bike program is intended for commuting as opposed to leisure riding. The true test will begin with the resumption of the work week today (Tuesday 28th). That being said, I did notice a few empty Citi Bike racks over the weekend, specifically on Henry & Atlantic, Colombia Heights and also (maybe)off Vanderbilt in Ft Green.

  3. I would be worried about getting the bike back to the rack before the half hour was up. The late fees are pretty steep. And if it gets stolen or crashed, you have to call a number and fill out a form within 24 hours or pay $1000 plus several hundred in fees. WSJ tried the number all day Tuesday. No one answered until 5:30 p.m., and then they didn't know what to do. Uh oh.

  4. Forgot to leave link:
