
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

City Releases Gas Into Subway Tunnels, But Not to Worry

Photo: LimeTech
NYC is carrying out some pretty serious terror tests, with the first of three gas releases yesterday.

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, air flow monitors have been stashed around the city in 200 locations to see where perfluorocarbon gas goes after being released in Manhattan.

The gas is a stand-in for whatever airborne toxin some sicko decides to drop in the subway, such as "radiological contaminants or weaponized anthrax."

We asked NYC emergency personnel (off the record) if Downtown Brooklyn would be a likely landing place for airborne particles from Manhattan. We were told that typical air patterns would more likely bring airborne particles to Coney Island.

"What about New Jersey?" we asked.

The answer: "Who cares about New Jersey?"

Go to McBrooklyn's HOME PAGE.

1 comment:

  1. I call bullshit. On 9-11, the Heights and Cobble Hill were full of ongoing dust, which was confirmed by aerial shots of the plume.
