
Friday, August 9, 2013

Brooklyn BP Race: And Then There Was One; Weiner Bombs with Seniors; and More

National Night Out Against Crime book give-away, in Coffee Park, Red Hook on Tuesday. Photo: MK Metz
- The battle for Brooklyn borough president is now a one-man race. [NY Daily News]

- Dozens of Brooklyn residents protested the Lightstone Group's planned development along the Gowanus Canal yesterday. [NY1]

- World War II-era shooting gallery restored in Coney Island. [News12]

- U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand supports putting the Brooklyn Navy Yard on the National Register of Historic Places. [Brooklyn Eagle]

- Mayoral candidates' ideas about education, if any. [NY Times]

- Hipsterless Brooklyn: vintage photos from a vanished world. [Time]

- Senior citizen calls Weiner a "very disrespectful, wrinkled-up man, and I don’t see what the women see in him." [NY Daily News]

- They Might Be Giants perform at the Prospect Park Bandshell Saturday night as part of Celebrate Brooklyn! [Businessweek]

- Five reasons not to trust the results of the new state tests. [NYC Public School Parents]

- The most beautiful Craigslist Missed Connection ever. [Craigslist] (And speculation about who wrote it at the Village Voice.)

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1 comment:

  1. Yesterday Weiner mocked a British reporter, saying he couldn't take her seriously (!) and then proceeded to mock her, delivering a faux weather report in an insulting British accent whilst exhorting people to keep a stiff (he then stumbled) upper lip.
    He attacked his female staff, complaining to them within earshot of all that the organisation was "no good, the way you have this organised. “This is N.G. -- not great. etc etc etc”
    He told another reporter to "get a hobby", assuming the reporter was following his campaign as a lark rather than as part of his job.
    He then blamed more people for his mistake in knocking on the same people's doors, leading one exasperated resident to complain through her closed door- “I already said I didn’t want to meet you; please stop knocking on my door!”
    If this is how he conducts his campaigns, imagine how he'd conduct his professional conduct as controller of the US's biggest metropolis!
