
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Department of Health Testifies It Knows Nothing About LICH in Brooklyn

LICH, Brooklyn
The state Department of Health -- which has been reassuring Brooklyn residents that it is watching over the sad goings on at Long Island College Hospital (LICH) in Brooklyn on a "daily basis" since SUNY Downstate began banning ambulances, firing doctors and nurses and bringing armed guards in to intimidate patients and staff -- has just made an amazing about face.

On Friday at a trial before Supreme Court Justice Johnny Lee Baynes, the DOH employee testifying as the person having "personal knowledge" of the situation inside LICH, swore under oath that she knew absolutely nothing about conditions inside the hospital.

From the Brooklyn Eagle: "In response to Justice Baynes’ questions regarding claims of reduced staffing levels, the dismissal of the ear, nose and throat specialist from the emergency room, calls being made to the police, armed guards on site, the front door being bolted shut or potentially illegal paperwork being presented to patients, Figueroa said she was not aware of these issues."

God help us all.

LICH hearing continues with dueling witnesses, and a push for a ‘standstill’ Brooklyn Eagle

Are SUNY's Lawyers Digging Themselves Into a Hole at LICH Hearing in Brooklyn?

More LICH articles 


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1 comment:

  1. For the truth, I'd put my money on the doctor & members of the most honest, trusted, ethical group in America - the NURSES.
