
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Man Shot on Bergen Street, Brooklyn

From the scanner: A report of a male shot came in 1:15 a.m. Tuesday morning.

Mobilization point is 1430 Bergen Street, between Albany and Troy Ave. in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. (At the Albany Houses Housing Complex.)

More details when available.

Another young man was shot and killed at the Albany Houses on June 2.

Another young man was shot there on Oct 24, 2012.

In 2009, a boy plunged to his death from the roof with a makeshift parachute.

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  1. You forgot to somehow blame the closing of Lich.

  2. What do Mayor Bloomberg & Governor Cuomo have to say now? Wonder if anyone from the press even thought to ask them for a comment & about how they feel now knowing that they stayed silent while all this was being wreaked upon Brooklynites!
