
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Three Kids Hit By Taxi Next to Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn

According to the Brooklyn Eagle, all those ambulances and police cars next to Cadman Plaza Park in Downtown Brooklyn / Brooklyn Heights on Tuesday at about 11:30 a.m. were responding to an accident involving three kids, one adult, and a taxi.

FDNY said three young boys were hit, along with the adult.

SUNY Downstate is not allowing ambulances to bring patients to nearby Long Island College Hospital (LICH). Because of this other nearby hospitals have wait times of hours in their ERs.

So it's no surprise all four victims ended up at New York Presbyterian-Cornell Hospital in Manhattan.That's all the way up at 68th Street.

Thank G*d the kids survived.

Manhattan hospitals had better brace themselves for a flood of trauma victims as LICH (Cobble Hill) and Interfaith (Bed-Stuy) are on the verge of closing.  

While we didn't know it at the time we shot this photo, we believe the taxi shown here is the one in question, because police and various people went in and out of it several times.

Three kids, one adult struck by taxi in Downtown Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle

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1 comment:

  1. With skyrocketing population increases in Brooklyn, including the borough's most expensive neighborhood, DUMBO, it's insane to watch Long Island College Hospital close at this critical point. Too many residents of all ages and classes require a community medical facility. Brooklyn is now an international tourist destination; the daily influx of visitors to Brooklyn Bridge Park streaming over the Brooklyn Bridge on foot, by subway and in screeching double-decker tour buses make it absurd to close LICH. When kids are hit by a taxi on Tuesday at Cadman Plaza Park and have to be taken by ambulance to 68th Street in Manhattan, this should force us all to put the brakes on the shuttering of LICH.
