
Monday, December 23, 2013

Madonna Calls Beyonce 'Queen' in Brooklyn; Bizarre Taxidermy House; and More Brooklyn Briefs

- Madonna attends Beyonce’s Brooklyn concert, calls her Queen. [Idolator]

- Bizarre taxidermy house hits the market for close to $1 million in Boro Park. [TRD]

- Couple builds a home in Williamsburg from 21 shipping containers. [Jetson Green]

- Brooklyn native / author Ned Vizzin ("It's Kind of a Funny Story") commits suicide. [Charlotte Observer]

- Gallito's on Montague Street: “Mexican Urban Cuisine” -- features dishes like duck enchiladas with mole sauce and fire-grilled shrimp marinated in chipotle and chocolate. [Brooklyn Eagle].

- Some NYC public-housing residents are illegally renting out their subsidized apartments. [TRD]

- Brooklyn resident/ white former prosecutor gets himself arrested so he can look inside the criminal justice system. [Atlantic]

- Is living in a "micro-apartment" unhealthy? [The Atlantic]

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