
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Final Hip Tot Music Fest of the Season in Park Slope this Sunday

The final Hip Tot Music Fest concert of the season is Sunday, April 13th at Shapeshifter Lab at 11am. The concert will start with a special appearance by Chicago’s "Queen of the Kindie scene" Little Miss Ann -- one of Chicago's "Most Influential Kids Musicians" as voted by the readers of Time Out Chicago.

Special guest, Suzi Shelton, Brooklyn Kindie favorite, will join Little Miss Ann's Band. We're told fiddles and ukuleles are involved.

Hip Tot’s resident author/illustrator, Melanie Hope Greenberg, will read her classic story “A City Is”. (Plus everyone will get a $75 discount to car sharing company Carpingo.)

Astrograss concerts feature sing-a-longs, dance contests, and high-energy fiddle hoedowns.

Sunday, April 13th at11am
Shapeshifter Lab: 18 Whitwell Place, Park Slope, Brooklyn 11215
$10 in advance | $15 at the door (non-walkers FREE)
NOTE the secret code in the grapgic above for discount tickets

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