
Monday, August 11, 2014

Dems to Tour Barclays; Fishy Business with Child-Care Vouchers? and More Brooklyn Briefs

August is the cruelest month in Brooklyn Heights: Fascati Pizza is closed for vacation, painting until Sept. 4. Photo by MK Metz

- Democratic Party delegates are expected to tour Barclays Center Monday morning and get a taste of some of Brooklyn's culinary treats. (God help the if they need a hospital.) [NY1]

- Child-care vouchers that the city distributes, intended for low-income families, have disproportionately gone to Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn. [City & State]

- Brooklyn D.A. exposes hidden Orthodox sex cases. [NY Post]

- Brooklyn filmmaker's documentary about the tough world of NYC beekeeping to be screened August 20. [Brooklyn Eagle]

- And a video about just how darned left out you are if you don't live in Brooklyn. [New Potato]

- "Ebola man" turned out to be healthy 27-year-old Brooklyn man, and his friend thought he was totally joking. [Gothamist]

- In case your haven't heard: Crinkle-cut fries are indeed returning to Shake Shack. [BK Magazine]

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  1. Hey-where's the comments on the right side? How's the effort going to recreate it?

  2. Check out the column to the right and let me know if you see the comments. Experimenting with new code that has been getting fairly good feedback.

  3. Excellent-thanks!
